A Passionate Escape.

A fresh start to a new year.  My xanga went idle for a couple of weeks, but I'm back with a flood of thoughts to kick off the new year...

Throughout this past year, each time God imparted some truth into my heart I would get this image of a frying pan giving me a good WHACK in the back of my head.  I've since come to understand that it's less of a WHACK and more the image of gentle, loving hands grasping my shoulders and saying "my child, this is who I am."

And oh man, these realizations can really part the 'ol floodgates of my tears.

I began my new year with a trek out to Nashville, TN for the Passion '05 conference.  I'll admit that my decision to go was mere whim than anything else.  Nevertheless, I found myself on a plane with my sis (later joined by mfong and sis) headed to the South, not knowing what to expect.

To prove Himself who He is, God often redeems man's plans for His ultimate glory.  And that is exactly what He did for me at Passion '05.  As He spoke to my heart my desire became that He would make an honest person of me--humble before Him and surrendered. 

A lot of what exists as a low grade depression in my life is the constant striving in my own flesh, and thus relying on my own parameters of joy.  Piper pounded in the truth of God's God centeredness, and though repeated in all his various writings, I came to a new, almost radical acknowledgement.  Pursuing my own joy glorfies God.  Somehow I've lost that pursuit of joy.  I've missed being glad in Him.

Many other tear jerkers over the 3+ days I was there.  The momentary experience of worshipping with 12,000 others left me desiring for the promised reality of forever joining in the throngs of worshippers.  Oh for that day!

Other Highlights of Nashville (Of the Less Spiritual Sort)

Honky tonk is real and alive.

The southern drawl is infectious.

Coleslaw and fries in a sandwich is pretty doggone good.

No, I'm not from Mississippi

Waffles and smattered/smothered/scattered hash browns at 2am.  

Chis Tomlin--ooh that smile...

Thousands of Christians gathering without outside protest (San Francisco?  Wouldn't happen.)

Gateway girls reunion--LB, AE, MK--love ya gals.

Oh and a quickie marathon update...God healeth.  I visited a sports therapist and have been on the mend.  I proceed with trepidation, but abiding in Him who ultimately heals.  The spiritual parallels continue to abound. 


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