Marathon Log.15.  Miles logged: 4.5 miles

Some of you may be wondering if Sherise didn't just get a new leg or just something since I haven't said much about my marathon training as of late.

If I could still manage a cartwheel, I would have definitely turned one today during my run.  I finished 4.5 miles in 45.5 minutes!!  That's about a 10-minute mile pace for you mathematicians out there.

Pace aside, that doesn't matter.  The real victory is finishing those miles. 

In those weeks of silence since my last marathon update, I've been through alot.  The biggest thing was going to see a sports therapist.  That was an occasion in itself since Sherise doesn't like to admit she's hurt.  Shuns all help possible--does it on her own (special thanks to WK for coming with).

Then there was the unrealistic hope that my therapist would be some sort of magic genie.  Please oh please, just take the pain away...

The pain didn't stop afterwards.  In fact, I still feel the risiduals of pain.  I had my work cut out for me after meeting with her.  Namely, my running stride.  Turns out my running technique isn't optimal.  Not terrible, but could use some work.  My second best friend in all of this has been a foam roll.  Roll, roll, roll the pain away.

She told me I need to be diligent.  And I'm trying to be as faithful as I can.

In all of this striving, may I not forget why I am running.  Muddled in all of this is the fact that I chose to run on behalf of the SF AIDS Foundation.  How timely today was the message on the Good Samaritan!  In all this focus on self and my pain, I've neglected the mercy He asks us to extend to our neighbor.

Some have asked, well why the SF AIDS Foundation?  Sure, it supports a lifestyle that I cannot agree with, but instead of shunning this population shouldn't we who have the Hope of Glory be right where they're at?

Think about it and click here.


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