Snippets...From the Humorous to the More Serious 

I'm missing a hubcap.  I returned from New Orleans and my sister sheepishly tells me she accidentally lost my hubcap.  Something like she backed into a space, heard a noise, and didn't think anything of it.  Now I'm driving around ghetto style in my '99 VW Passat.  * Sigh *

I cut my hair.  It's the biannual cutting of the hair (I would cut it more often, but I just get lazy).  I don't know why I let myself be brave when I'm at the hair salon--I'm not braver at other moments...and whenever I go I always repeat the agony of "should I speak English or Chinese to the hair stylist?"  End result--short bangs...

I love my iPod Shuffle.  I love my Adobe Creative Suite.  A belated thanks to those who thought to indulge both my musical and creative side for my birthday.  You guys rock!

Here comes the bride.  That's right, next week kicks off the '05 wedding season.  Up first: Kristy and Chris!  Week after--Anne and Jason!  In May--Heather and Newt!  July--Janet and Mat (I get to coordinate my first wedding! And emcee!).  August--Luce and Dan!  Oh and congrats to my dear friend and former grad school roomie, Sally, on her engagement...I look forward to being a part of the festivities.

Spring break! Ah yes, such bliss...three days off...and only three days because I had to finish my midterm grades.  Can we have a moment for all the teachers out there?  Thank you.

School...on Sundays?  I'm back teaching Sunday School to my high schoolers after a two month hiatus.  Though I dragged my feet to return (and don't worry, I even confessed this to my kids), I find myself back with a renewed spirit.  To all my AK'ers--ya know I love ya dearly!

A GOOD Friday.  I had a beautiful moment as I gazed at the names in red of all the AK/JS'ers on the wall of butcher paper for one the stations we set up to remember Christ's death.  Christ died for these precious souls.  And morever, Christ died for me.

A new church (building)! I've been at my church practically since its inception.  Within those church walls I have accepted Christ, been baptized, and grown in the faith.  And now we have a brand new building!  It's a beaut!

On the brink of something new.  Though I wish to divulge all the details here, I can't.  But it involves the culmination of a long journey and exploring God's will for me overseas.  You'll be hearing more from me!

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