Blech. Yuck.  Those sum up my emotions at the moment having just hung up the phone from a conversation with my well-meaning, but ultimately frustrating uncle.  The reason for the yuckiness is because he grilled me on my rationale for going overseas.  Granted, I've dealt with naysayers before, but this time I could literally feel my blood pressure rising as I shot back each of his doubts.

I tearfully hung up the phone.

The last time I had the blood rising feeling was when I wasn't being directly questioned, but yet at the same time, the issue of a person's desire and heart to go overseas was being called into question.  And it was getting altogether too personal.  You may remember my entry from a few weeks ago when I ended up in tears at a ministry meeting. 

Oh for grace, dear Lord! 

[BTW, my conversation with my uncle ended with, "Okay, so you know your aunt and I will support you "x" amount monthly."  And that "x" amount? More than just a chunk of change.  God, where does your grace end?]


Thought I would include an endnote to my conversation with my uncle--Right after our conversation I had emailed him an apology for my "defensiveness" over the phone...and here is his reply:

"No, you did not sound defensive at all, rather very faithful in God.  We are very proud of you, we are strong supporters for your calling.  God will bless you.  I am very proud in your word that you have a very strong calling and faith in God that he will provide your need.

We are just one of God's calling that we want to support you.

God bless you."

[Grammatical errors aside, I am utterly encouraged...]


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