
So for the past month I've been on this fast from coffee and milk tea.  I realize how much of me craves these more than my actual dependence on God.  Refraining from these has been no easy task--dude, you wouldn't imagine the number of opportunities that I passed up to caffeinate myself!

My fast ended yesterday and I realized, I'm totally free to live it up and partake!  But this morning when I went into the kitchen, I still opted for hot water instead of reaching for the packet of milk tea.  Then during lunch I thought about getting a tapioca milk tea--my favorite!  But I somehow managed to nix the idea. 

So it's now the end of my work day and I've turned down two opportunities to indulge.  I'm walking past Starbucks as an employee walks out the door with frappuccinos on a tray.  Not just those little sample cups, but the actual tall size cups.  Then she says "Wanna drink?  It's free." WHAT THE MONKEY? (I thought to myself)  There was no hesitation there.  YEAH! HOOK ME UP!

Who knew frappuchinos were a God-thing.  Jehovah Jireh, all the way!    


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