I Heart LB.

LB is one of them gals that totally kicks me in the butt (and I mean this in a good way).  I met a bunch of cool people overseas last summer, and she'd be one of them.  She came west coast for the first time to visit this weekend, and we were all too giddy to smother her with some good 'ol SF city culture.

LB's a good sport.  We started her off gagging on some 'thousand year old egg' for dim sum.  And we managed to get her to try some grass jelly and almond jello (I know, for Chinese people, big whoop...but she's white =)  She didn't take too kindly to noodles or seafood, however (even though she's proven to eat sheep lung for the sake of the gospel).  I still think she's cool, though...and I feel entirely blessed by her visit.

She's partly to blame for which I can kinda be a snob sometimes (see my entry below).

L to R (bottom) Winnie, Sherilyn, ME, (top) Wilma, Michelle, LB, Kit

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