I just realized that I can be somewhat of a snob. I tend to gravitate towards those who love God with a reckless passion, and I have a real impatience for those who are, well,...less passionate.
There's a huge danger in this. Namely, that I become an elitist and look down on others. Missions-minded people can get this way sometimes, and I fully admit that I am one of them. That's where the whole label of 'intense' comes from.
I hate that label, but I guess that I perpetuate it with my plans to spend two years overseas. I get annoyed by this sometimes because I think, "C'mon people, if you know the depths to which God loves you, what difference is it making in your life?" I'm not saying that everyone needs to go overseas, but I am saying this: Consider what it will take in your life for God to receive the greatest glory in all the nations. I pray that it causes you to consider doing something reckless for the Lord.
Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now. And rarely am I so direct to challenge. I don't pretend to be all righteous and knowing, because I know that God is dealing with me in the matter of trusting Him. Sometimes He deals with me quite severely, and I am stripped of all hope but Him. But I am far from the Apostle Paul who himself declared that for Christ's sake he suffered the loss of all things. Loss of all things? For me, hardly.