Intuition Strikes.

I like to pride myself in my intuition.  Hey, we all get to toot our horn every once in awhile :)  Call it a gut feeling, a sixth sense, a hunch for things or whatever.  [A couple of caveats: I tend to overlook reality.  And I'm not really intuitive when it comes to my own life...]. 

This past weekend I attended Heather and Newt's wedding.  It was one of those weddings where everyone really rallies around both the bride and groom.  Heather was weeping even before she came down the aisle--it was such a poignant moment--even I started to tear up!  (Okay, that might not surprise you...) No matter how many weddings I go to, I don't think I will ever be jaded by witnessing a bride await her groom.

Okay, back to the intution thing...I've known Heather and Newt for years, ever since elementary school.  The three of us went to school together until 5th grade, when Heather moved away.  We were all in different social 'tiers'--Heather being the popular one, I being not so cool but not uncool, and Newt being, um, well perhaps a level lower.  Fast forward to college...when we found each other at the same school again.  I remember seeing Heather on campus during our junior year (she had just transferred from a community college) and inviting her to come to AACF.  Lo and behold she came, and I reintroduced her and Newt.  I just knew that they would get together at that point.  I don't know why, but I just did.  And the rest is, well, as they say, history.

I love having a part in history.  I love it when I see things coming.  My college roommate, Steph, and I always joked about my intuition.

Sometimes, though, I get hit like a MAC truck with things, and that's when God reminds me, hey, it's me who's writing history, not you.

Thankfully, the history He's writing has a resplendent ending.  So I think I'll choose faith over this 'ol intuition of mine.


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