I Got No Game.
I'm resigned to the fact that I'm just not good at basketball. But I'm okay with this. Sherise can't be good at everything.
Thing is, I pride myself in thinking that I can be good at everything. Okay, at least above average. Never, God forbid, the worst. I quietly laud basketball as one of my favorite hobbies, yet really I 'play' maybe about two times a year...AT MOST.
So what I'm doing playing for a summer league, I'm not so sure. I find myself feeling like the weakest link when thrust against fierce city girl ballers, whose intensity I can't match. And when I play, I play scared.
The other night at our first game of league play I spotted my highschool JV coach who once scared the bejeebers out of me. The very sight of her made me shiver. I played all but three minutes that season, and that was only a merciful three minutes since we were ahead and she was playing the bench. I did manage to score a basket but I don't want to even think of her wrath had I missed.
Basketball--I love this game...or do I? Maybe...a little...when I don't play with people better than me...
Anyone for a pickup game? Haha.