Have We No Rights?

I got pecked in the back of my head by a bird this morning.  I've heard of this type of thing happening, a sort of territorial maneuver anytime an unidentified object nears a mothering bird and her nest.  I've laughed hysterically when it's happened to others, but since it was me this time, I wasn't laughing.  In fact, I was rather annoyed.  Here I was strolling along during my morning commute, my iPod Shuffle pumping my morning jams, when all of a sudden I feel something foreign hit me on the back of my head.  I turn around, thinking that I caught a tree branch or something (very possible given that I'm a clutz).  Rather than turning around to find a tree branch I catch a glimpse of one of them steely-eyed black birds.  Before I had a chance to think, the bird pecked me again!  At that point I started waving my arms violently, ducking my head to avoid any additional pecks.  It was quite a sight.

Okay, so I'm laughing now.

As I got on MUNI, I starting rehashing the incident in my head.  Dude, that bird had no right to peck me!  I'm innocent!  Then I started to think about why the bird pecked me, and darn it, she had every right.  She was protecting her young.

There are so many times when I boil over, feeling the need for my rights.  MY RIGHTS.  As the Lord deals with me, I find myself letting go of previous things which I considered as "God-you-better-not-go-there's".  Don't I deserve x, y, and z, God?  

"For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it."  Matt. 16:25

Still learning.


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