Watch Yer Head (!)

I should take my own advice.  I'm the dork who just got attacked AGAIN by that same stinkin' bird on my morning commute.  I KNOW!  Ya think I would have learned a lesson or something.  I'm like the kid who sticks her hand on the stove and keeps sticking it on there, thinking that the next time she won't get burned.

It was clearly deja vu, only this time I thought I would outsmart any potential attacker birds by sliding myself along the other side of the sidewalk.  I will not be caught offguard...muhaha.  Just when I was feeling all smug, thinking I had outwitted the bird, I feel a little *whap* on the back of my head.  ARGH! I've been attacked AGAIN!!

Is anyone laughing with (at) me?



Sherise Lee4 Comments