Game Over.
This is so game over. No sooner did I post my last entry, hop on MUNI, and start my reverse commute on WEST PORTAL AVE (BEWARE!!!) when *WHAP!* I've attacked AGAIN! AAAAHHHH!!!
You have got to be kidding me. I was on the other side of the street, for crying out loud! I can't hear a bird chirp without feeling traumatized. This is war.
Options I'm considering...
1) Run. Dude, I ran a marathon, I could surely outrun those birds...or not...
2) Carry an umbrella. In the summer. Yeah.
3) Wear a hood. But I dunno, the bald headed dude was a victim, too....
4) Park on West Portal Ave, stake out the pattern of these attacker birds and observe carefully their tactics.
5) ???