Friends Don't Let Friends...Get Attacked.
I must have the best friends in the world. This whole bird attack episode has gotten WAY out of hand. My crazy friends, Denise and Wilma, decided to try out #4 in my list of options--staking out them attacker birds. I was a bit cynical that they would find anything, especially since I seem to be earmarked for these attacks. Misery loves company, and I'm glad to say that I'm not the only victim of these malicious territorial black birds. IT'S A FULL-ON CONSPIRACY, I TELL YA. Read the full story here.
Birds are evil and shouldn't trusted. Next time you throw a crumb on the ground THINK TWICE. These birds DON'T PLAY NICE.
[p.s. I wimped out this morning and woke up my bleary-eyed sis to drive me to the train station. Tomorrow I must face my enemy again.]