The Indignity.

I've already been poked 4 times for immunizations related to my coming time in the motherland (still one more to go).  I'm a big girl--shots don't bug me much, but they are somewhat of a nuisance.  Even worse of a nuisance is this chest x-ray that I need to get in order to secure my working visa.  I tried to worm my way out of it, figuring that the chest x-ray is to test for TB, and I'd much rather get a TB shot.  Didn't fly.  I needed a chest x-ray, and that was that.

Now, a bigger reason for me trying to wiggle my way out of getting the x-ray was because I clearly recalled my last such x-ray (for my back).  Getting an x-ray means donning the awful hospital gown, with its misfortunate design of opening in the back (with well intended, but misplaced strings meant to hide the exposure, but still allows for a nice draft).

I fumbled my way into the gown today, grumbling over the backwardness of my future host country to force me to endure such indignity.  The worst is that upon changing into the gown, you need to walk down the hallway to the x-ray room, and who knows who may walk down and see you sans coverage. 

I peered down the hallway, and thankfully, no one was there.  I held the gown in the back (modesty is always a virtue) and tried as slickly as I could to follow the technician down the hallway without looking like a dork.  *Sigh* I don't think that was avoided.

Anyhow, I got into the x-ray room, and the first question the technician asked was, "Any chance you could be pregnant?"  That would be a NO.  So onward we proceeded.  Put your shoulders against here.  Hands behind your back. Don't move. Wait a minute, isn't this akin to how they arrest felons?  *Sigh again*

The next maneuver involved me raising my hands in the air and grabbing an overhead bar.  Now I'm a monkey.

Thank God that was the end of it!  Check that off my list :)


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