Tough Guys Wear Pink.
Okay, so I take back the comment I made previously that I don't wear a lot of pink (because I don't want the girly label). Pink is in...even for guys, which I find mildly amusing. My cousin who's visiting from LA wore this t-shirt out the other day:
Okay, if tough guys can wear pink, Sherise can be okay to admit things like she's scared, and at times panicked about her coming time overseas. My other cousin, who's 10-years old, learned what a tangent is. A tangent is when you digress. I like doing that. So allow me to digress here...
I ran into a former student today while out for lunch with my relatives. I always find it funny that when people ask what I do, I reply without hesitation, "I teach." Oh, what grade? College. College? Yes, college.
Anyhow, after running into her, I realized that over the course of these last two years, I've probably had close to a hundred students. I'm reminded of the grace that has been supplied in the past, and the grace available to me as I assume my next teaching position.
In case you were wondering about the tangent, it's because one of my latest "freaking out episodes" is over being a competent teacher.