Fear Factor.

I think I'm addicted to reruns of Fear Factor.  Now that I have cable (this is a big WOW coming from a girl who didn't have TV until she was in sixth grade), I am now exposed to what we call popular culture.  You ask, what's the draw to Fear Factor?  I'm not really sure, but I'm thinking it has to do a lot with what's been on my mind lately.

If you haven't watched Fear Factor, allow me to summarize: 3 contestants compete on 3 stunts to see who can look fear in the eye and become Fear Factor Champion. Stunts include traversing freakish heights to complete a challenge, being trapped in enclosed spaces (sometimes under water), and eating really gross stuff (like horse rectum...mmm...).  One of two things happens on Fear Factor--you either rise to the occasion, or fall flat (in more technical terms, this is the 'fight or flight' syndrome).

I was a Sociology major, so analyzing people is what I do best (if you haven't caught on :)  Most contestants on Fear Factor really talk themselves up--I'm tough, I can do anything, I once wrestled an alligator, etc.  It's a pride thing.  No one admits to being weak or that they can't complete the stunt. And then there's the trash talk--I'm gonna do this and beat your___ (well, you fill in the blank).

So this is where I try to insert myself in the contestants' position.  I really don't think I could complete 90% if the stunts that they feature on the show.  But part of me wishes I could.  It's the part that wishes I could that kills me.  Because I keep chasing after the elusive hope that I can be tough, I can overcome anything.

I had 4 fouls early in today's basketball game, which gave me lots of time on the bench.  I'm watching these girls play and thinking--Man, I wish I could be that aggressive and confident in my game. 

My Enemy in life is my flesh, along with Satan and all his principalities.  There's a lot of trash talkin' goin' on from the other side...but louder still is the voice of Encouragement that says, "Let me fight for you."

Bring it on...


Sherise Lee1 Comment