
I'm smiling as I sit here in HK.  The first leg of my journey is complete!  From now on I'll be writing you from the 'east side' =)

My sendoff was not without its highlights.  I'm usually pretty stoic during goodbyes, but my tears managed to get the best of me.  I tearfully handed my boarding pass and passport over to the airport employee as I said my goodbyes and turned my back to my family and friends, and my life in the States.  That was hard.

I pulled myself together as I walked towards my departure gate.  My plane ride was smooth...though sleepless.  I managed to read through the letters that many of you wrote to me...thank you.  There were some more tears shed right there :)

I got off the plane a little dizzy...I had decided that some white wine would help calm my nerves some on the plane, but I think it made me a bit tipsy...can you imagine?  My first step overseas and I'm feeling a bit tipsy :) 

I had another funny moment taking the train...I stuck my hand out to stop the door from closing, but it closed on my hand!  This ain't Joe MUNI anymore.  So with the door closed on my hand I managed to pull it back out...but not without someone gasping behind me in English (with a Ch. accent) "Dangerous!"  Yes, dangerous--that's my determinedness to make things happen sometimes.  But I was being watched over, and I'm thankful for His care.

I miss you guys already.  But I"m here...en route to my final destination city, and I can't tell you the joy that wells up within my soul knowing I'm on this grand adventure.


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