T-A-G, I'm It. 

Since I've been 'tagged', I'll post this entry in tribute. Here are twenty random things about me...

#1. I'm a clutz.  Take today for example.  On my way to school I lost my shoe while biking.  Needless to say it was an embarrassing trek back the road to retrieve my shoe.  On other occasions I misjudge doorways and am prone to falling down stairs.  Graceful--who, me? 

#2. I'm an INFJ.  Don't get me started on explaining this.

#3. I love mayonnaise on rice.  How else did you think I keep a slim figure?

#4. I can't do sit-ups for the life of me.  During those dreaded 'physical education' assessments in grade school I always lagged waaay behind.  Ab roller, anyone? 

#5. I've never cut class in my life.  And so perpetuates the goody-2-shoes image...

#6. I was given the dubious honor of Most Congenial 8th Grade Girl.  I have no clue as to why my teachers would select someone as painfully shy as myself, but hey, that makes a crowned Miss Congeniality :)

#7. I never had a TV until sixth grade.  My default response in the 'deprived child' game.  So what if I can't name all the Smurfs?

#8. I only tolerate white hangers in my closet.  But I found that in my new place of residence that white hangers are hard to come by.  I've since allowed blue and green hangers of different types to reside side by side... 

#9. I had a double major and a minor in college.  And went part-time my last quarter.  Here's to being an overachiever in highschool and earning those beloved AP credits!  Before you think too highly of me, also know that I 'earned' 3 D's in high school and failed the writing proficiency exam...

#10. On that note, I almost didn't graduate high school.  Why?  Because of that dreaded swim test requirement in SF.  Passing that swim test is one of my greatest feats in life.  Oh, and I guess you now know that I can't really swim...no triathalon for me...

#11. I failed my driver's permit exam on my first attempt.  Who said it was cake? 

#12. Peeling shrimp gives me hives. My stubbornness always says--'I'm not allergic'--then I start peeling those shrimp and sure enough, those darn hives break out.  But I can eat them no problem...oh but wait, then there's my high cholesterol...

#13. I had a 5-month stint in marketing.  My first job out of college--then I was laid off.  And the rest, they say, is history.

#14. I once received a marriage proposal while overseas.  No, not recently.  And no, I don't need to go into details...

#15. In another life I would have been an ice skater.  I never had ice skating lessons when I was young--something I'll never let my dad live down (because I begged and begged).  Who knows, I could have been the next Kristi Yamaguchi (to which my dad replies with a 'harumph'...)

#16. Yes, I can see when I'm smiling.  I get asked that question often enough.  I rather like my crescent-moon shaped eyes.  You can't tell if I've blinked or not in pictures...

#17. I can't use chopsticks correctly.  And even with regular utensils, I'm the messiest eater alive.  I can't seem to keep food where it belongs...on my plate or in my mouth...

#18. My dream car is a Volkswagon Beetle.  Lime green.  Convertible would be nice.  Until then, I love riding my trusty steed here, shao lan.  Oh, and Silas, I didn't forget about you (Silas is my '99 VW Passat...with shao huang, my dashboard rubber duckie in tow).

#19. I'm spatially challenged.  Okay so maybe being a clutz implies that.  It gets worse.  I recently tried building a train track for one of the M kids here and miserably failed...no wonder I was always at odds with those lego sets when I was young...

#20. I'm a woman in love...with my ice cream.  Yes, ice cream.  It's comfort food for me out here.  And yes, if these 20 things about Sherise weren't random enough for you, then TAG! You're it!        


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