Meet Shao Lan.
My previous set of wheels.   My new set of wheels. 

I refer to 'shao lan' often enough with such fondnes that I thought I ought to give him a proper introduction (xiao is actually the correct pinyin I think...but I like the 'sh' because it's the same first letters in my name). 

Shao lan (or, 'little blue') is my bike.  Shao lan makes me brave.  Against the madness of cars, motorbikes, and people, shao lan keeps me going, encouraging me to keep pedaling or stopping me right in time.  Shao lan is a faithful sidekick.  I don't think I could bear to lose him.

This week I had to take shao lan to get several repairs.  He had a flat tire, which allowed for an interesting exchange between me and the bike guy on the street.  I think I saw him sneak in a grin when I asked him to help me (he probably was thinking...aiya, this girl...doesn't know what's wrong with her bike...).  Shao lan's basket also had issues, as well as his bell (it was broken).  But we took it in to the bike barn to get a new basket and a new bell--and afterwards I beamed with pride like a mother beams over her children. 

*Sigh* You must think I'm crazy.

The proud mother and her 'bike.'    See what shao lan can do.


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