Making a Scene.
Now you already know that I'm already experienced in this area...only the last time I made note of it in the world of xanga I was left in tears.  This time, however, I'm laughing.  And laughing is good...I realize people don't do enough of that around here...the kind of laugh that still makes you smile 10 minutes, 3 hours, the next day after.

So on to the story...I'm exiting the supermarket, going through the merchandise detectors that guard the doorway when *BEEP*BEEP*BEEP* Okay, so nothing unusual...I've actually set off the detectors the last several times through...something to do with my shoulder bag, though I'm not sure why it does that.  Usually I just get waved through pretty quickly, but this time the employee at the door wanted to do a more thorough check through.  I opened my bag of groceries, and he began to swing my different purchases through the detectors, which gradually started causing a crowd of onlookers.  Why people are intrigued by another's misery around here I'm not so sure.  Anyhow...I thought it was sheer comedy.  I explained that my bag was from the States and the employees suggested I check in my bag next time.  By the time I was done with that I estimate that a crowd of 20-30 people had surrounded me.

I decided that I really needed a McDonald's apple pie after that one.  So we swung next door to good 'ol mickey d's--but they ran out of apple pie and so I had to get taro.  Oh well.  Still satisfied my craving and topped off another day here =)


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