Hello from T-Land.

I've shed my winter layers for suglasses and flip flops and I'm lovin'it.  This is the closest thing to paradise that I can think of...and mind you, my vantage point is a bit skewed having lived in the motherland for five months...

Despite some drama in getting here I've settled into this tropical lifestyle.  But let me first recount to you some of our earlier drama.  This is an entry to document bees, and by bees I mean the incident that happened to AC and I in our first evening at our tropical accommodations.  On the way back to our room we were discussing how we had quickly taken a liking to our new surroundings.  Palm trees, flowers...heck, I was just glad to see green again.  We proceeded up thte stairs to our room and along the way, saw a black object squirming on the ground.  A bee, we declared as we realized what it was.  Not thinking a whole lot about it, we went on.  Another bee.  Oh, and another bee (all squirming on the ground).  On the final few steps to our floor, we heard an eerie frequency of buzzing up ahead.  I looked up and saw a combined sight of geckos and bees sprawled across the patio ceiling.  Aaah! I screamed.  AC screamed after, in an almost reflex response.  We got to the top of the stairs and looked down our hallway to our door.  There lay a whole swarm of bees twisting about on the floor and swarming overhead.  Aaah!  I screamed again.  In fact, it was aah all the way to the door as we made our way through.  I fumbled with the key in the lock as my hand shook with fear...a moment straight out of a horror movie.

Well, we made it through with me slamming the door behind us.  Reflecting afterwards, I thought...I'm such a wimp...I can handle nightly cockroach hunting (as my fellow MOT2Kers know :) but I can't handle bees.  Worse yet, when recounting our story to our tmmate, he declared...you realize [the bees] are just committing suicide...they hit the lights and then they hit the floor.  Oh right.  That's why they're twisting about on the floor.  I'm scared of half-dead bees.

Life isn't always dreamlike and fantasy.  Even in a tropical paradise.  But being here has proved refreshing to my soul.  Turning another year older means that I'm not so easily flung into simple delights, but I have to say I love where He takes me, and this is a great adventure :)


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