
I'm not as slick with speaking as I am with the written word.  Writing gives me a buffer of time to think.  Speaking, however, is a mixed bag.  I can't always be accountable for what I'll say.  Often times I start saying something and have no idea where I'm going with it.  This is disastrous for someone who likes to be planned, methodical, and deliberate. The worse manifestations come on answering machines and voicemails.  I am notorious for leaving rambling messages that end with "and, um yeah..."  I remember during my first job post-college I left a message ending with "okay see you later," to some guy who I would never see.  And in fact had never met. 

Well today was one of those super slick Sherise moments when I was interviewing a new student to place him in one of our English classes.  The interview started fine, but when I realized that I didn't have any more questions to ask, I scrambled in my head and came up with--"Are you married?"  This to a guy who looked just about my age, if not slightly older.  Dude, I hope he didn't think I was hitting on him.  I nearly died from holding my laughter after I asked.  [I also realized the origin of my choice of question--I had copied the local line of questioning--the exact type of directness you expect from the people here]. 

Thanks for reading and not listening


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