
There's always a part of me that wishes I were really bad.  By bad I mean I wish my faults were more obvious.  People have actually apologized to me for not seeing through to my faults, to which I feel there is no apology necessary.  Hang around me long enough and you'll see I'm quite messed up.

Most times I can't help this reputation.  And in other cases, I just can't win.  Just the other day I ran into a local friend while riding my bike.  I was a bit jin zhang because I was running late.  Later on she told AC that I looked 'graceful' on my bike.  'Graceful?' I repeated incredulously after AC informed me.  She must not have seen me seconds earlier ringing my bell like a mad woman trying to pass this annoyingly slow biker.  She must have also overlooked my fuming disposition (which, admittedly, I was trying hard to disguise).

Later on, that friend and another friend joked with AC that I can't even express my frustration with authority.  AC knows I love the expression 'zhao gao,' which literally means bad cake.  Well, I've eaten my share of 'bad cake' around here, and so that phrase gets used quite often by me.  But apparently they were mocking me saying this phrase with sing-songy sweetness. 

Oh I'm bad alright.  Just you wait and see :)


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