On Being a Girl, Part Whatever.

I think this is like my third post on this.  Indulge me once again...

Now I've said that you can't be too much of a girly girl out here, but the fact is, I think a lot of the local girls (around my age) are pretty girly.  At minimum, they're highly self-conscious about their looks, as is the growing trend in an increasingly materialistic society.  I, on the other hand, seem to be getting less self conscious.  Take hair, for instance.  For a good five months I subsisted on a brush no bigger than the size of my palm (I've since upgraded).  And most mornings I do a quick few brushes of the hair without looking in the mirror and head out the door.  The bike ride to follow always makes the state of one's hair unpredictable, so why even bother? 

Next, take athletics.  Most girls don't play too many sports around here.  On a few occasions I've played ball with my tutor's cousin (a middle school aged boy).  He thinks it's fun because most of his cousins, being girls, don't play with him. And no, I'm not hyping myself to have any skills because...well, the other week I actually got the boy hurt and sent to the hospital (okay, NOT my fault...he fell when we were playing...and yes, he's alright).  I think on this matter I shall have to turn more girly and retire from the sport all together.  Or at least play more 'girly'...haha :)

This isn't to say that girls here are disinterested in exercise...I've heard of pretty wacky ideas of how girls lose weight around here (wrapping themselves with plastic wrap on a hot day and going out to run).  Summertime seems to be a popular time to dedicate to losing weight...

To confess, I tried to be more girly yesterday by donning a pair of dangly earrings that my aunt had made me.  I pulled my hair back and tied it in a ponytail (and yes, I did look in a mirror for that one), so it was more obvious that I was wearing them.  Well, it ended up causing me more ma fan.  Riding my bike into work I had started pulling off my face mask and had forgotten I had my earrings on.  What resulted was the earrings being pulled back from my ears as they were caught in the straps on my face mask.  I'm sure I must have looked ridiculous as I desperately tried to get my mask off without ripping my earrings off (and hurting myself).  Later, coming home I managed to remember the fact that I was wearing my earrings and carefully removed my mask....only to discover when I went up six flight of stairs to my apartment that I was missing an earring! 

Sigh.  I'll let you know about my next girly venture.


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