Personal Space.
Personal space is pretty much nonexistent out here.  I mean, I knew that coming here, but to have been without it for many months I'm starting to crave wide open spaces containing just  On the left is a picture I took waiting to get in line on a train last week.  Not only  is personal space out of the question, but you can forget about orderliness.  So I've learned to do as locals do, and that is, push.  When anyone tries to cut in front of me I'll shoot them a mean glare and reassert my position by pushing myself ahead of them.  Something about not having a sense of equality makes me fight for it all the more out here.  There's a deep need inside of me for justice.  On the train (both going and coming) I was asked to switch seats so that the requesters could sit with their companion(s).  I was a bit peeved because my original seats were far more desirable then where I was asked to sit (i.e., more space, less people).  Oh, xing, xing xing, I said both times (oh, alright, alright, alright).  No fear, there's some kindness left in me after all :)    


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