While You Were Sleeping.
A  B  C

For some reason brushing my teeth is never a static activity for me.  I always have to be multitasking with something (i.e. brushing and typing away on my computer, reading something, etc).  Tonight I happened to be mopping and brushing my teeth (okay so fault the obsessive clean freak in me).  I was happily mopping away when I noticed that I had accumulated a mass of dust and hair.  Or what I thought was dust and hair.  See Photo A. I stooped down to investigate and was taken aback by my discovery.  Luckily, I had managed to stifle a scream (AC was sleeping).  I'm not a girly girl, remember?  

I have to back up here a bit.  Last month my tmmate MK called us in a panic saying that she had found a 'crocodile' in her apartment.  Of course we gave her endless grief about her ordeal, saying that we've never run into any creatures of the sort, and was she sure it was a crocodile?  'It had that same kind of raised skin,' she declared.  Well, about a week ago AC declared that she too had such a sighting in her room.  The next morning she also swore she saw it again and brought me over to investigate.  Shining my flashlight in the dark corner I announced, 'it's just a piece of dust.'  (And really, it was).

I had forgotten about the whole sighting until tonight, when there I was alone with the creature and no plan for its removal.  I desperately searched through our kitchen for something to rid of it.  My original thought was to somehow kill it with the mop, but I figured that wouldn't work and went for the 'put-something-over-it-and-trap-it' idea.  I decided that it would be better to have something see-through so I knew where the creature was at all times.  So I decided to sacrifice one of our plasticwares.  See Photo B.  I quickly dropped the plasticware over the creature and started shuffling it to the door.  Then I realized, perhaps I should just let it go outside our door--what are the chances it may return?  Perhaps I should just throw it away.  So I slipped a piece of newspaper under the creature and wrapped it up securely and put it in a bag.  See Photo C.  I slipped on a pair of shoes and went down the six flights of stairs in my pajamas to the trash disposal.  So long unwanted creature.  End of story.

I'm really not as brave as I make myself to be :) 


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