Tattle Tale.

The other day on the bus I looked over my shoulder and stared right into a cloud of cigarette smoke.  I wrinkled my nose, scanning for the culprit.  One of the few places where smoking isn't allowed here is on the bus, and here this brown-jacketed man was carelessly puffing away, polluting one of my few public smoke-free sanctuaries!  But before I mustered the courage to say anything, the bus driver shouted back for the man to put it out.  Half embarrassed, the man grinned sheepishly and proceeded to put his cigarette out (or so I thought).  Less than 5 minutes later he lit up again!  This time I determined to do something about it--but use the bus driver as leverage.  I leaned over to the driver and whined, "He's doing it again...that man's smoking again!"  The bus driver proceeded to stop the bus and walk to the back to check it out.  Unfortunately for me the man had already stopped, and was now staring nonchalantly out the window, as if he had done nothing wrong.  Argh!  The fact that he was so blatant, obnoxious even, made me all the more annoyed.

I usually don't make a practice of tattling, but there's something satisfying when another person helps seek your justice.  Living here, I could use it sometimes.


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