Jobs I've Had.

Got thinking tonight with AC of jobs I've had in the past.  Here are a few:

Notetaker.  Glamorous, isn't it?  I thought that getting paid to go to class was a pretty sweet deal.  It was freshman year, and I was in Psych 1.  The notes I took were available for students to purchase through the campus notetaking service.  The problem?  No one bought my notes...

College Advising Assistant.  This is where I learned what an STD is.  Ha, before you jump to conclusions, let me clarify--STD is the acronmym we used for "subject to dismissal."  True Lowellite that I am, are there *gasp* really people who get lower than a 'B'?      

Receptionist.  You know those Duty Free Stores in the airports?  Well, they have a corporate office in SF.  Before finding 'permanent' employment I spent a couple of days as the front desk receptionist.  My conclusion: Sherise + switchboards aren't compatible.

Jr. Marketing Manager.  My long awaited job after graduation.  Not even two weeks and I was already in Chicago on my first 'business' trip.  My first dose of the real world at 21.  Cocktail hour?  I'll have a coke on the rocks, please. 

Sales Associate.  My mom likes it when I tell my retail stories. Working in retail revealed a unique slice of human behavior (relating to women and clothes) that tested my sanity and but also served as sheer comedy.  I'm glad that I don't have to deal with those customers...or rather clients (the 'better' term I was told) any more.

Grammar Teaching Assistant.  Call me a nerd.

Pharmacy Clerk Vocational ESL Instructor.  Everyone repeat after me..."antihistamine, antihistamine."

Academic Coach.  I never liked the title of my last job before coming here.  I could never explain satisfactorily what I did.  But here I found my niche of teaching, counseling, administration, mentoring, and design.  My longest-standing job yet.

To say what I do currently may be even more complicated, but let's just go with the title that they have officially bestowed to me here: Foreign Expert.  English teaching is what it's most commonly known as, but I also call it foreign relations :)  There's thought I may stick in the business for awhile...


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