Resorting to Sign Language.

This hasn't happened in awhile for me, and it's not that I'm smug and all, but to say that there will always be something I just don't know how to say.  The time came the other day for me to buy nail polish remover (and no, I'm not any more ignorance of how to say 'nail polish remover' proves it) and I had no clue how to say it...I couldn't even think of the word 'fingernail.'  So there I was, using sign language and what I could say to describe the thing (and of course, I didn't know the word for fingernail polish either).  Finally the lady was like 洗甲水, and I with an emphatic 'yes!' was grateful that this painful language exchange was over.  Here I was saying words like 'remove' and 'wipe off,' and the word was simply 'wash.'  Yeesh.  See how being girly is extra 麻烦?


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