Black and White.

As I've gotten older, I've gotten to be more black and white in how I see things.  Here where issues often come in shades of gray I've noticed I'm always pushing for what I think is the more obvious end of the color spectrum.  I think this is a good thing.   I don't think we should operate in grayscale.

I'm talking here about convictions.  What you believe.  I think it's fair enough to say that you have to know what you believe, and know it well.  But you can't be so black and white (hence, stubborn) as to feign to be the standard. 

Recently, there have been issues here where I don't know what I believe.  And I'm still searching for an answer for one.  It's in this seeking that I've found the need to be recalibrated.  Any graphic designer would know about recalibrating.  I watched an instructor recalibrate a projector once and though tedious, there was a stark difference.  The colors came out differently.

How to recalibrate and check for accuracy?  Refer back to the Standard. 


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