Office Antics.

In between studying I've been sneaking in episodes of the The Office (Thank you mfong).  I've now finished all three seasons, and kudos to for posting this season's episodes online.  Guess where I go when I procrastinate?

I think The Office is even funnier if you've experienced your own versions of Dwight or Michael in real life.   My favorite part is the premise that the office-mates are being filmed, kind of like a reality show.  You see them in the conference room talking to the camera (usually about each other).  But what I love most is when the camera is "live" and pans to one of the character's "raw" takes in reponse to something.  Usually you get Jim with wide eyes, Pam with a look of disgust. Kevin with his squinty-I'm-thinking eyes, Angela looking with disgust, a confused Phyllis, etc. 

Our nonverbals say a lot in real life.  But sometimes I wish there was a camera around so you can make whatever face you want when someone says or does something (without them seeing, of course).  It would work the same as when someone turns his back and your filtered expression dissipates into what you really think.

I think my camera face would either be a furrowed eyebrow or down-turned lip. 

Sherise Lee2 Comments