Spring Fever.

Spring is officially here, and is that green I see again?  I take it as a sign that spring is here from the allergy sufferers (my sympathies) and the fact a layer of dust has settled on my car from all the stuff that's blowing in the air.  I guess I need to get that car wash I've been putting off for, um, 6+ months.

With spring comes the anticipation of new things ahead.  My time in Dallas will come to an end soon, but not before I endure what I hear is a dreadfully hot summer.  Fortunately (or not) I'll be indoors mostly because of summer school.   It will be the first time that I've done summer school, believe it or not. 

Other firsts I'm not so sure yet.  I did have a first round of CA visitors, who seemed all too eager to leave again to return home.  Always good to have a bit of home with you though.  I did soak in Dallas as never before with their coming.  Now back to those papers.

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