Ode to Texas.

I found a new solidarity with Texas when I visited the state capitol a few weeks ago.  There was a lot of  hype, but CW told me not to get my hopes up lest I get disappointed.  But people have been saying to me Austin this and Austin that since I've gotten here.

Well (drum roll...) Austin is really cool.  Kind of like California (but not really).  Starting on the drive over (it's 3 hours from Dallas).  We stopped in West, Texas where you can get Czech kolaches and Shell gasoline.  Weird.  Like hey I need a filler-up and while I'm at it, order me a pastry!  Then we had lunch at Mother's, where you have waitresses with nose rings and arm pit hair serving up salads.  I visited the UT Austin campus which has a vague Berkeley-esque feel...sort of.  But everywhere was branded the longhorn so I quickly got over that. 

Before having the best fish tacos EVER, we took a ride with CW's friend who drives a Mini-Cooper convertible.  Dude, that girl can really drive.   I think that adrenaline spilled over into the next day when we ran the Capitol 10K.  It rained the entire time which was rather annoying and made my no-slip headband slippery.  But we finished with a time I was well pleased with (just under an hour).   Oh and something I realized - contrary to everyone and their mother running marathons these days, running just isn't cool for the AZN's here.  Hm.

I'd be remiss not to mention our free pie.  Maybe it is tacky, but when you post a sign that says "the pie's on us if you don't get a receipt" the Chinese in me can't resist.  Or is that the pie lover in me?  No receipt?  Result = Free $10 Pie!

I have just two more stories to tell, of bats and cats.  First, bats - those winged, nocturnal creatures, yes.  Austin has the largest urban colony of bats that live under one of the bridges in town.  Weird, or should I say, just batty.  Second, cats - or just one, rather - named Jolie.  Jolie got her annual shave-down during our visit, giving new meaning to the name scaredy cat.  

Pictures of my fabulous trip below.

Mm...Czech kolaches on the road!

No armpit hair in the salad (I checked).

Go Ags! (oops, wrong school)

The Mini-Cooper...still a close second to the VW (convertible) bug.

These fish tacos are seriously the BEST.

The free pie.

Them bats.

And that cat.

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