Us and Them.

The other day in class the professor referred to the local football team as "our" Cowboys. I cringed, thinking that "our" included yours truly.  I am and always will remain a 49er fan, no matter how much they suck.  Something about including me as a local here makes me uncomfortable.  In fact, being in Texas only makes me more Californian. 

Admittedly though, Texas has grown on me, to the point where I was sitting at the Ranger game on Monday and found myself actually cheering for them as there were playing the Angels, a Californian team.  I figured this was ok, since it wasn't the Giants.  And they were behind, so who doesn't root for the underdog by default when it's not their home team playing?  Maybe I got swept up in the crowd and forgot where I was.  Or maybe it's that I've grown fond of Texas.  Just maybe.

My time in Texas is almost up.  Next month I'll return to California and rejoin the "us" again.  But I'm sure this isn't the last time I'll be a part of the "them,"or in this case, the "y'all."

Sherise Lee5 Comments