Running and Stopping and Running Again.
I should write about baseball more (see last entry) if I want eprops. I'll keep that in mind. Today though I'm talking about running. This past year I've gone back to the sport after a two year hiatus. I started real slow - like I ran for 5 minutes and I was done. That's real short compared to the 5 hours I ran for my marathon a few years back. It's always frustrating to have to start something from scratch again.
But after some time it gets better. I can even say that now about oatmeal after eating it almost everyday for a year.
Back to running - my dad is running his first marathon I think in over 10 years. He's crazy to want to run one again. I remember when I was a kid and my dad ran his first ever marathon. To me, it was a superhuman feat. I remember my eyes getting big when he talked about "hitting the wall." But he made it, and brought home the finisher's medal to prove it.
I'm not a little kid anymore, but I can't wait to see his newest medal.