
Today I got a brand spankin' new 24-inch (!) Mac at work. It replaces the antiquated machines that our department has been operating from, which has been the source of much frustration in the past. I really love my new Mac! For one, my office is a lot quieter. Gone is the incessant hum of my old machine. It was almost an eerie silence as I realized how loud my voice projected on the phone without the background noise. Secondly, I have new found space on my desk - no more clunky tower which means more room for my snacks!

The thing with getting something new is that the novelty wears off easily. It's kind of scary to realize how things grow old so quickly, and you just become used to the next thing. I so want that same appreciation as when it was new, and you remember all the bad about having the old. I can think of so many things for which this is true.

Sherise Lee1 Comment