
The DMV is not my favorite place.  However I made the trek out today because after so many times renewing via mail you have to go in-person.  I was not happy about this, especially after several frustrating attempts of not being able to schedule an appointment online.  However, I was pleasantly surprised by my visit today- in under 20 minutes I was done!  Incredible.  The lady at the counter applauded the fact that I waited to sign my application (obeying the directions to STOP and sign only when instructed by a DMV employee).  Then she remarked that I was just a little kid in my old photo (which I took to be a compliment - because uh, of course, I look so sophisticated now compared to then!).  Then she wished me a happy birthday.   Good customer service can seriously change one's attitude. 

Later today I was reminded of my own former customer service days when the guy next to me at Java Beach saw my Ann Taylor commuter mug and commented that he had never seen an "Ann Taylor" mug before (and joked that he himself had one from Talbot - I laughed).  I explained that yes, I used to work retail back in the day.  I got the mug because I sold the most sweaters during a promotional weekend.  I was really a miserable salesperson.  But if anything it taught me how to deal with people.  And we all need to learn to do that a little better :)

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