
Recently, I got a new cell phone. It's been over a month now since I got it. It's red, touch screen sensitive, and slides up to reveal a keyboard which transforms my texting habits. Super slick. But...I'm still using my old cell phone. I've been accused of being archaic by certain family members, which only fuels my stubbornness in refusing to switch.

I'm not sure why I hold on to using my old phone. There's something comforting about my flip phone that I really like and can't imagine giving up. It's not that I'm not familiar with the new phone - my sister has the same one and I've played around with it. I know it's nice.

Sometimes I feel I almost need to have things wrestled away from me before I realize the freedom of letting go. It's a lack of faith to believe that there is anything better, really. If you don't see me sporting a new phone the next time you see me you have permission to pry the old one out of my hands.

Sherise LeeComment