Posts tagged Control
Taking Matters into Our Own Hands

There is this temptation to take matters into our own hands when things are ambiguous rather than trust in God. The Israelites were prime example of this, saving leftover manna rather than trust in their daily provision in one instance (Exodus 16:19-20). And then making a golden calf an object of worship when Moses delayed coming off of Mount Sinai (Exodus 32).  I am one of those people who leaps to action to get something done. I can't stand when things are murky and there's something within my reach to (seemingly) move things forward. It's a pride issue (believing I can manufacture something to happen), but it's ultimately fear that is beneath this. I'm fearful there will be no provision. 

When stripped of all my faculties to do something on my own, there's a vulnerability that exposes that, I am after all, needy. And while that would ordinarily send me into hiding, the reminder that the God of this universe cares for even me (Psalm 8:4-5) - the once wretched, still sinful me - I feel safe, now able to more bravely face what I cannot yet see.