Posts tagged New Years
Why I Don't Make Resolutions

It's the beginning of a new year, and according to statistics, about half of us Americans make resolutions. By definition, resolutions are firm decisions to do or not do something. They are made with intent and require determination to pull off. No wonder the success of achieving resolutions is quite small. I don't make resolutions. At least not officially. As a perfectionist I can't be bound to something unless I can guarantee its success. Such is my downfall. I boast about how fast I am at making day to day decisions, but when it comes to something very personal, I hem and haw - mostly out of fear.

I realize that without being resolute about anything, there is no need for faith. I admit that the faithless life is attractive at times - faith is work! But I take comfort knowing He who began a good work in me will carry it to completion. The perfectionist in me would work it out on her own accord, and ultimately fail, joining the rest of the 92% who resolve each year without success.