With the time change it's now dark when I get home, which makes going out for a run after work a lot harder. I suppose I can run in the morning, but that would mean sacrificing sleep. But I'm thinking that I do need to switch something up. Tonight I was running and realizing that it's pretty dark when streetlights are out (or dim). I was preoccupied with thoughts of stepping in dog poop or tripping over uneven pavement.
The people I saw out were mostly dog walkers. I was about 3/4 into my run when I heard a loud "Hey!" which startled me for a half second. A friend was also out running, which gave me some measure of comfort knowing that 1) it wasn't a crazy person and 2) I wasn't the only one attempting a run in the dark. "It's cold," he said. Yes, I didn't even mention the cold either.
So with winter coming, along with colder weather and shorter days, I decided to sign up for a full marathon (in March). I have been scared to commit to a full, but I think it's appropriate to follow-up on the one I ran five years ago. Here I go again!