Marathon Log.03.  Miles logged: 5

I bought a Sleek Timex Ironman watch to help pace myself during my runs.  I fooled myself into thinking I had mastered operating the watch before I left for my run today.  I pressed the start button, and proceeded with my run as normal, excited about my nifty acquisition.  Some time passed, and as I glanced at my watch it dawned on me that I had set my watch at 5 hour intervals rather than 5 minute ones.  Argh!  I spent the next mile or so fiddling with the dumb watch and growing more frustrated as I tried to remember how I had set it in the first place.

I play the fool in life as well.  It's hard for me to be upfront with my weaknesses, and boy do I have a laundry list of them.  This week it was my pride that came to a head. I got into two heated discussions this week, one with my mom and the second with my sister.  I hate admitting that I'm wrong--in my eyes, I'm right all the time. 

I also come before the Lord believing that I have it right.  But God does not see as Sherise sees.  And it's seldom that I come before the Lord in genuine humility like the tax collector in Luke 18 who stood at a distance from the temple, in full realization of his sin.

I desire not to play the fool anymore.  I'll never get it perfect, yet God has a way of reminding me that I am a creature of grace.  I respond with my head bowed, thankful for his forgiveness. 


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