A lot of life seems chaotic right now, both personally and in our nation. There is a temptation when things are spinning from control to rage with fury to combat the tide, or on the flip side, to check out completely. I almost don't want to hear what the latest is sometimes, so count me in the camp of closing my eyes and plugging my ears. Unrest is not new. Things have been to topsy turvy for a long time now...since Genesis 3, in fact, when things were turned hell bound because of the Fall.
What, then, do we do in the present chaos? As citizens of a heavenly kingdom, we make known the qualities of that kingdom - peace, justice, mercy to name a few - we incline ourselves to see those principles manifest in our present. The church of Jesus Christ presses forward, rolling up her sleeves, placing herself squarely in the chaos, and announcing a future kingdom that promises that things will be made right again.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:9-10